Эгамбердиев Дилшоджон Алишерович защитил кандидатскую диссертацию по вопросам совершенствования международного сотрудничества при формировании совместных следственных групп по уголовным делам

On March 26th, at 12:00 PM, the Scientific Council DSc.07/03.06.2023.Yu.22.04 under the Tashkent State University of Law held a meeting where Egamberdiyev Dilshodjon Alisherovich defended his dissertation on “Issues of further improving international cooperation in the formation of joint investigation teams in criminal cases.” The meeting was chaired by Professor Said Gulyamov. Egamberdiyev Dilshodjon Alisherovich […]

Юсупова Фарингиз Уктам кизи защитила кандидатскую диссертацию по международно-правовым аспектам регулирования услуг телемедицины

On March 26th, at 10:00 AM, the Scientific Council DSc.07/03.06.2023.Yu.22.04 under the Tashkent State University of Law held a meeting where Yusupova Faringiz O’ktam qizi defended her dissertation on “International legal aspects of regulating telemedicine services in the context of digital transformation.” The meeting was chaired by Professor Said Gulyamov. Yusupova Faringiz O’ktam qizi submitted […]

Диссертация по правовым аспектам кибербезопасности юридических лиц обсуждена на совместном заседании кафедр международного частного права и киберправа

On March 26, 2024, the dissertation work of Rakhmatov Uktam Utkirovich on the specialty 12.00.03 on the topic “Legal aspects of cybersecurity of legal entities: modern problems and solutions” under the scientific guidance of Professor Said Gulyamov, the head of the Department of Cyber Law, was discussed at the joint meeting of the Department of […]

Meeting on Artificial Intelligence Held at Said Gulyamov’s Cyber Law Scientific School

On March 27th, a meeting was organized within the framework of Said Gulyamov’s Cyber Law Scientific School on two topics. The first topic was “Legal and Ethical Implications of Developing Artificial General Intelligence,” while the second topic was “Establishing Liability for Harms Caused by Autonomous Systems and AI.” These topics were discussed in detail during […]

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