Professor Envisions AI Mentorship Revolutionizing Higher Education

At the international conference “Artificial Intelligence in the Educational Process: Problems and Solutions” held in Tashkent, Uzbekistan on April 30th, Professor Said Gulyamov, Head of the Department of Cyber Law at Tashkent State University of Law, gave a thought-provoking presentation titled “AI Mentorship – The Future of Higher Education.” Gulyamov laid out an ambitious vision […]
Pioneering Book on Digital Governance by Prof. Dr. Said Gulyamov Published in Turkey

Prof. Dr. Said Gulyamov’s book “Digital Devlet Yönetişiminin Teorik ve Hukuki Temelleri” has been published in Turkey. Co-authored by Prof. Dr. Islambekh Rustambekov, Prof. Dr. Hayri Bozgeyik and Dr. Hilola Sharipova, the book explores the theoretical and legal foundations of digital state governance. The publication of this book in Turkey underscores the growing importance and […]