Legal Frameworks for the Integration of Artificial Intelligence


The rapid advancement of artificial intelligence (AI) and neural net-works has significantly impacted various industries, including biomedical engi-neering. These technologies promise to revolutionize healthcare by improving diagnostics, treatment planning, and personalized medicine. However, their inte-gration into the biomedical field also raises legal and ethical concerns. This study aims to investigate the existing legal frameworks governing AI and neural net-work applications in biomedical engineering and evaluate their effectiveness in addressing the challenges of technology integration. We conducted a comprehen-sive review of international, regional, and national legal frameworks and policies related to AI and neural networks in biomedical engineering. Our findings indi-cate that while current legal frameworks have made strides in addressing some challenges, gaps remain, particularly in terms of data privacy, algorithmic ac-countability, and ethical considerations. The article concludes by discussing po-tential improvements to existing legal frameworks and the need for ongoing eval-uation and adaptation to keep pace with technological advancements in AI and neural networks within biomedical engineering.

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