Cyber Law Department Researchers Publish Papers in Springer’s Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems

Researchers from the Cyber Law Department have published two papers that will be recommended for inclusion in Springer’s Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems series (Electronic ISSN: 2367-3389, Print ISSN: 2367-3370). The first paper, “Implementing Cybersecurity Norms in Regulations and Standards for Smart Buildings”, was authored by Said Gulyamov, Sadokat Safoeva, Farangiz Zaynobiddinova, Diyora Imomalieva, […]

Professor Gulyamov Recognized at 2024 International Conference on Educational Innovation

In a remarkable achievement, Professor Gulyamov Said Saidakhrarovich was awarded a prestigious certificate at the 2024 International Conference on Educational Innovation, hosted by an esteemed institution. This recognition is a testament to Professor Gulyamov’s exceptional contributions to his field and his unwavering commitment to advancing academic excellence. Professor Gulyamov is renowned for his groundbreaking research, […]

Professor Said Gulyamov Presents on Cybersecurity for Uzbekistan’s Crypto Exchanges at Cryptoweek-2024

On June 3, 2024, Professor Said Gulyamov delivered a presentation titled “Safeguarding Digital Assets: Cybersecurity Imperatives for Uzbekistan’s Crypto Exchange Ecosystem” at the Cryptoweek-2024 conference. In his speech, Prof. Gulyamov provided a comprehensive analysis of the cybersecurity landscape for cryptocurrency exchanges in Uzbekistan. He discussed current and anticipated cyber threats, mitigation measures, legal and technological […]

Azxodjayeva Roza Altynovna Presents Doctoral Dissertation in International Law

On May 31, 2024, Azxodjayeva Roza Altynovna presented her doctoral dissertation titled “WTO International Standards in the Field of Health Protection Law: The Relationship between International Law and National Legislation” for defense at the Tashkent State University of Law. The dissertation was completed in the specialty 12.00.10 International Law. The meeting of the Scientific Council […]

Cyber Law Department Hosts British Experts for Workshops and Meetings at Tashkent State University of Law

Toshkent davlat yuridik universiteti Kiber huquq kafedrasi Britaniyalik mutaxassislar ishtirokida seminarlar va uchrashuvlar o’tkazdi Toshkent davlat yuridik universiteti (TDYU) Kiber huquq kafedrasi yaqinda taniqli britaniyalik huquqshunos Mark Kerroll va Buyuk Britaniyaning Toshkentdagi elchixonasi Terrorizmga qarshi kurash bo’limi xodimi Metyu Uilmorni qabul qildi. 20-may kuni bo’lib o’tgan tashrif universitetda xalqaro hamkorlikni kengaytirish va yuridik ta’lim sifatini […]

Professor Alexey Minbaleev Visits TSUL for Insightful Discussions

15.05.2024 kuni Toshkent davlat yuridik universitetida (TDYU) Rossiya Fanlar akademiyasining eksperti, Moskva davlat yuridik universitetining Axborot huquqi va raqamli texnologiyalar kafedrasi mudiri, yuridik fanlar doktori, professor Aleksey Minbaleev bilan qiziqarli uchrashuv bo’lib o’tdi. TDYU Kiber huquqi kafedrasi tomonidan tashkil etilgan tadbirga soat 10:00da start berildi. Ushbu majlisda universitetning turli kafedralaridan qatnashchilar ishtirok etdi, bu esa […]

Getting acquainted with the activities of the TSUL Cyber Law Department and discussing cooperation opportunities

TDYU Kiber huquq kafedrasi faoliyati bilan tanishish va hamkorlik imkoniyatlari muhokama qilindi Turkiyaning Anqara Yildirim Boyazid universiteti delegatsiyasi Toshkent davlat yuridik universitetiga tashrif buyurdi. Uchrashuvda Kiber huquq kafedrasi mudiri, professor Said Gulyamov mehmonlarga kafedra faoliyati, veb-sayti, o’quv dasturlari va hamkorlik imkoniyatlari haqida ma’lumot berdi. Shuningdek, tomonlar TDYU va Anqara Yildirim Boyazid universiteti o’rtasida qo’shma ta’lim […]

Cyber Law Department Delegation Visits Latvian Embassy in Tashkent

On May 7, 2024, a delegation from the Cyber Law Department embarked on a visit to the Embassy of Latvia in Tashkent. The delegation, led by Professor Said Gulyamov, Head of the Cyber Law Department, included lecturers Naeem Allahrakha, Anna Ubaydullaeva, and Islombek Abdixakimov, as well as San’at Ergashev, the department’s administrative assistant. The purpose […]

Professor Said Gulyamov Proposes Modern Technologies for Waste Management

An article titled “Intelligent waste management using IoT, blockchain technology and data analytics” by renowned Uzbek scientist Professor Said Gulyamov has been published in the 2024 issue, volume 501 of the international scientific journal “E3S Web of Conferences.” Professor Gulyamov and his colleagues highlight the importance of applying advanced technologies such as IoT (Internet of […]

Professor Said Gulyamov’s Article on Cybersecurity Receives International Recognition

An article titled “The Use of Cyber Hygiene as an Effective Psychological Measure for the Prevention of Cyber Addictions” by Uzbek psychologist and professor Said Gulyamov has been accepted for publication in the prestigious scientific journal “Psychology and Law.” The journal, indexed in Scopus and Web of Science, is published by the Moscow State University […]